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7/19/2010 @ 11:46:03 am by publicservantsrule.com

Heat Related Emergencies

The summer of 2010 has been exceptionally hot with record breaking temperatures for days at a time.  We think this is a good time to remind everyone about things you can do to stay safe and healthy in the heat.  Here are some suggestions:


      Drink plenty of fluids that do not contain alcohol or caffeine.  Alcohol and caffeine are natural diuretics.  Rely on water, fruit juices and sports drinks.


      Do not exercise or do yard work between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM during the hottest times of the year.  If you absolutely have to do hard physical labor during the middle of the day because of your work responsibilities etc., have frequent breaks.  Have plenty of cool wet towels and cloths to wipe off and soak your head and neck to combat the heat.


      Wear loose fitting light colored clothing


      Try to stay indoors in air conditioning during the day.  If you do not have air conditioning available in your home, visit places that do such as shopping malls, libraries etc.  Some cities, counties and local governments provide cooling centers during the hottest days of the summer.  Call 311, NOT 911, or any other police or fire department non=emergency number in your area to find out what, if any, cooling centers may be available in your area.


      Take cool baths, showers or sponge baths.  Play in swimming pools or sprinklers etc.


      Take plenty of rest breaks during the day.



Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion are:


        Heavy sweating

        Pale skin

        Muscle cramps






        Loss of consciousness


If any of the preceding symptoms are severe or if a victim has underlying medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, allergies or multiple sclerosis, or if a person is a baby, small child, elderly, disabled or heart related illness that are a life threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.



Heat Stroke is a life threatening emergency that requires a call to 911 immediately.


Heat Stroke symptoms include the following:


        Unconsciousness for more than a few seconds


        Difficulty breathing

        Internal Body temperature of 104� or higher after exposure to hot environmental temperatures.

        Confusion, restlessness or anxiety

        Rapid heart rate

        Swelling that may be excessive or has actually stopped

        Skin may be red, hot or dry to the touch even in the armpits

        Severe nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.


If someone has heat stroke symptoms call 911 immediately.  Try to move them to a cool place out of direct sunlight.  Remove any unnecessary clothing and place person on his/her side to allow the skin to have as much access to air as possible.  Cool the person�s body with cool, not cold water.  Place ice packs on the neck, armpits or any place where there is a large amount of blood vessels close to the skin.  Do not give aspirin or acetaminophen to reduce temperature because they can cause problems with the body�s response to heat stroke.  If the person�s is conscious and alert enough to swallow, give fluids to drink.  You may have to help them if they are weak or have an altered level of consciousness.  Make sure the person is sitting up enough to prevent choking when consuming the drinks.


Keep all of the information in mind.  Stay out of the heat.  Stay hydrated.  You will be able to have a happy and safe summer.
There is also other heat emergencies that could appear, and your should consult with your doctor on them.


You can find more information on Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke at www.webmd.com which was the source of most of the information.

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